Benefits of having an Education franchise

franchise insider

It can never go out of demand. It is necessity for the growth and building future.  It is the base to counter any natural all man-made disaster and make life better on this planet.

Undoubtedly, education is the only sector in the whole world whose success rate is higher than all other businesses combined. One of the main reasons is that it is more about shaping the future than expanding the business. With passing time, the people will only invest more in the same, to stay ahead. Little wonder, for a family the education-budget never goes down. In fact, with time, it only expands as parents want their children to grown bright and right.

 In times of dire crisis, people tend to cut off their finances on absolutely everything but educating their children. Good quality education is a dream of all parents irrespective of their standards and income. So franchising an education brand will not only bring more coins into the pocket but also more scope of expansion.

Some of the benefits of education franchise in India are :

  • Monetary benefit:

Building schools colleges premises may seem a daunting task, but finance is easy. Acquiring loans and finance to start an education franchise is comparatively easier than opening any other franchise outlets.  Education franchise has become the top franchise opportunity in the idea since the new franchisee gets all the monetary support from various resources including, banks, trusts, and the franchisor to start the campus, build infrastructure and train the management.

  • Easy to entice clienteles:

It is probably the only sector where getting clients or customers, lined up to get the access (admission). IIn the education franchise opportunities, it is very easy to target patrons and entice clientele for joining the market. Only brand recognition and the proper image is needed to appeal to the customers.

  • Advantages in the market: 

In a counter of 1.36 billion, the sheer size and scope of the market is mammoth. Be it school, colleges, education classes or training centres, the demand is never going to go down. Also, the Indian school franchise has more marketing advantages than others. There is a multitude of marketing campaigns which the franchisor implement to develop their business promotional schemes. The more the brand gets promoted, the more promotion the franchisee will have.

  • Total help and support from the franchisor:

In the education franchise, the franchise school will get complete support from the franchisor to run the business successfully. All the essential supplies, instruction manuals, training materials, tools, and equipment are provided by the franchisor to help in enhancing the development of the outlet in a short span of time.

  • The success rates us higher than others:

Education franchise has become the most popular franchise in India as everyone is aware of the brand and no matter how the situation is, people won’t stop coming to study or upgrade their cognitive skills, so the franchisor doesn’t scuffle much for promoting their brand. Whatever the situation is, the education franchise in India earns more than 70% more revenue than other businesses.  A high success rate has provided a  high scope of career opportunities for other limited income groups.

  • Previously recognized brand:

One of the benefits of opening a franchise and working with a previously recognized brand has its own merits. The franchisor does need to work hard for brand promotion since it is already recognized among all. Quality teachers are attracted towards the brand which in turn helps appeal to new learners around the locality.

  • Low cost, more profits:

 In an education franchise, the franchisee hires reputable and experienced teachers and staff as personnel for management, unlike other franchises where the management has to be trained and molded from the owners’ pocket. Here the franchisor can spend that money and time in enhancing the education institution to achieve higher profits more quickly.

  • Future of business

Demand for the education of the child is directly proportional to the higher percentage of working parents. As more and more parents are working with the aim and dream of getting their children a proper high-quality education, more and more institutions are coming up. So the future of the education franchise is safe and progressive.

Some best education franchise brands of India are :

  • Rockwell educational institute

Founded in 2009, this educational institute has less than 10 outlets at present.

  • Exponential learning

Founded in 2016, they provide a royalty fee of 12% and have franchise units of less than 10 in the country.

  • Seth Anandram Jaipuria School

This school is a well-known franchise model school having franchise units around 10 to 20. Founded in the year 1974, they provide one of the best franchises in education.

  • Arun Smart school

With a franchise unit of more than 100, this school which was founded in the year 2014, is actively enhancing its business by opening more franchises with passing years.


The meditation centre of excellence is considered one of the best centres for tuition franchises which have opened its outlets in many cities. Classes are available both virtual and offline mode and at present, 80 lakhs students all over the country are a part of this education franchise.

  • Mexus education

Founded in the year 2008, this education franchise model has helped in providing holistic education through intelligent learning systems.

Like the food franchise in India, the education franchise opportunities in India is a franchise business in India without investment which has opened the gates for home school franchise like study at home as one of the most well-known franchises providing the best education to the children of all ages. If you want to earn more profit, enhance your brand recognition and expand your franchise, nothing is better than opting for school franchise opportunities in India in the present times.

Author Bio:

Hi, My name Is Dhinal Baxi and I am from Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. I am a founder of franchise Insider . As a founder, we have served hundreds of clients. My experience from the financial sector has helped them to achieve great success in the franchise world. Franchise Insider is one of the leading franchise advisory and consulting company.

Franchise Insider is launched with a mission of utilizing my expertise to find freedom for my clients through business ownership and maintaining a laser focus on the happiness of my clients. Through Franchise Insider I have built my own brand identity founded upon honesty and integrity, client satisfaction, and a passion for helping people.


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