Understanding Insomnia: Symptoms and Other Facts.

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Sleeping is one of the most important life processes and is considered as important as having healthy meal or exercising on a regular basis. Not having a good night’s sleep can have serious consequences on health in long term.

However, there are many people who are not able to sleep naturally and may have to take the assistance of over-the-counter medicines to fall asleep. Insomnia is one such sleeping disorder in which a person is unable to sleep and remain awake for long periods. In this condition, a person may find it difficult to fall asleep, stay asleep, or it may cause them to wake up too early and not be able to get back to sleep.

Insomnia makes a person feel tired on waking up and can drain the energy levels in an individual. This in turn causes them to have somber mood affecting their performance at work and quality of life.

Insomnia in most cases can be treated by lifestyle interventions such as regular exercise which may be low or high in intensity, having a balanced and healthy meal, and engaging in mood alleviating activities. However, in some cases medical intervention in the form of medication and therapy may be required for the person to return to the normal sleep cycle. Medications for insomnia are available at all retail or online pharmacies; however, the medicines for insomnia can only be accessed on producing to the pharmacist a valid prescription from a practicing physician.

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What are the Symptoms of Insomnia?

Various symptoms of insomnia may include:

1) Attention deficit

2) Inability to concentrate at work

3) Constant headache

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4) Difficulty in falling asleep at night

5) Feeling of dread and hopelessness

6) Night-time panic pangs

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7) Anxiety related stress

What Causes Insomnia?

The primary reason of insomnia as per various researchers has been attributed to stress. Insomnia also indicates other underlying conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, or any other chronic syndromes. Medical intervention may provide relief in most cases. However, in other cases psychological counselling may required for the patient to recover.

Some major causes of insomnia may be:

1) Stress: Stress related to work, finance, health, and interpersonal issues

2) Travel or work schedule

3) Poor sleeping habits

4) Eating too much in the evening

5) Drinking excessive coffee

6) Smoking

7) Mental health disorders

8) Sleeping related disorders like sleep apnea

What are the Complications Related to Insomnia?

Insomnia is long term can present with variety of issues and can become precursor to various health conditions like heart, cardiovascular, and neurological disorders.

Apart from the health complications, insomnia can have detrimental effect a person’s work performance and overall quality of life.

How can Insomnia be Diagnosed?

Diagnosis of insomnia is relatively less complicated. Doctors may interview the patient to review their sleeping patterns. Additional tests such as blood analysis, MRI, and CT-scan may be asked by the consulting physician.

How can Insomnia be Treated?

Most cases of insomnia can be self-treated by changing lifestyle habits such as reducing caffeine and nicotine consumption, indulging in exercises, especially cardio exercises, meditation, and so on. Severe cases of insomnia may require medications and psychological counseling.


Setting a proper sleeping ritual is essential for healthy lifestyle. Insomnia and related disorders can affect a person’s quality of life. 

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