IEC’s Path-breaking Waste-To-Energy Technologies to become a Game-changer in Solid Waste Management Sector

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  • Manipur government acknowledged the technology to kick-start 120 TPD Waste-To-Energy project in Imphal

To tackle the challenges of Waste-To-Energy in India, an Ahmedabad based technology innovation firm has brought a path-breaking technology that has a potential to become a game-changer for the industry. Innovative Eco-Care Pvt. Ltd., promoted & governed by qualified technical professionals, has developed and integrated a few technologies to utilize Indian Mixed Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) into various energy sources. Banking upon the same, the company has recently commissioned 120 TPD (Tons per day) Waste-To-Energy project in Imphal city of Manipur where it will process solid waste and generate 2.4 MW of power besides producing around 10 tons of compost and 3,000 kg of light diesel oil.

Speaking about the home-grown technologies, Mr. Vipul Chaturvedi, Founder and Managing Director, Innovative Eco-Care Pvt. Ltd., said, “Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is becoming menace for municipalities & municipal corporations throughout the world. India generates 65-70mn MT of MSW per annum or approximately 1,75,000 TPD. MSW management eats away 5-8% of plan outlay of a local body. To solve the issues, we need to have multi-prong approach. Hence, we at IEC and an engineering veteran TSL (Thermotech System Ltd.), both from Ahmedabad, joined hands to find out a sustainable solution.”

Vipul Chaturvedi has developed the RENERZYME Mixed Microbial Treatment of MSW and MSW processing. The presence of moisture and food waste generates the foul odour. Renerzyme treatment reduces moisture and eliminates foul odours. This process improves the efficiency of power generation from the waste.

Kinjal Shah, Director-Marketing of TSL has developed Gasification & Power Generation modules for the project. Gasification is not a new process. The company has developed a gasifier with a tar-less process. Moreover, the output from the gasifier has more energy than the conventional gasifier which helps in getting more electricity per ton of MSW.

Mr. N. Biren Singh, Chief Minister, Manipur recently inaugurated Waste-To-Energy plant in Lamdeng, Imphal which will generate energy from municipal waste materials. First time in India, the state of Manipur has designed & executed a Tripartite Agreement between MAHUD (Municipal Administration, Housing & Urban Development), Department of Power, Manipur and IEC-TSL Ingenious Energy LLP, Ahmedabad. The project is one of its kind, as it employs multiple technologies to treat the MSW and convert it into energy. Currently, Imphal & surrounding municipal councils generates approximately 120 TPD of MSW. MAHUD will arrange to supply the MSW & the power will be purchased by the Department of Power.

A similar project is also under execution by IEC in Bengaluru city with 300 tons, 6MW capacity. The project will be operational by December, 2022. Seeing the credential of companys Imphal project, the Bengaluru Municipal Corporation had awarded the project to the company. These technologies are grabbing the attention from Indian and foreign authorities. Recently, the Co-operative Republic of Guyana (West Indies) has given the permission to the company for the investment in 300 tons per day project in its capital Georgetown. The project cost would be approximately Rs. 180 crore.

MSW management in India is practiced since early 90s. But, till date a sustainable module has not come out. MSW management has become an expense centre. Hence, it does not get required attention. Cities & towns are piling up hundreds of tons of waste daily on land filling sites. India can generate 3000 MW of power from MSW. It needs approximately Rs. 50,000 Crore in Capital investment. The sector lacks Waste Composition Specific Technology. Imported technologies cannot be sustainable and commercially viable options,” said Mr. Chaturvedi.

Ineffective waste management affects environmental balance badly. It pollutes land, water and air, which ultimately affects human health. Air pollution affects the life span of vehicles and consumer durables. If Waste-To-Energy plants are installed, it will minimize pollution and improves human health by enhancing air quality. It will provide 24X7 renewable power and generate employment too. With every 100 MT project, it reduces Green House Gases @5000 ton of CO2.

Governments have failed more than one time to adopt technologies, which are Adoptable, Replicable and Sustainable. Instead of looking at the cost of renewable power, they should expand their horizon to look at other factors too.

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