Ritesh Rawal Launches an Innovative Concept of the Dudes & Dolls World – Inspired by his Question “What are Question”

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Ritesh Rawal known as “the father of an education philosophy Manifestism” and an innovator launched a new method of child development “Inquisitiveness. Ritesh Rawal shared the entire concept of Dudes and Dolls World with the public at large in a concept launch event that took place on 21st March 2021 in the campus of the Dudes and Dolls World.

Mr. Ritesh Rawal at the concept launch of Dudes & Dolls World

During his speech he shared “He got inspiration to create a new world of Children from a very fundamental question that generated in his mind and that question is “What are questions” And When he started delayering the world of young children 0 – 5 years of age he realized that questions are everything for the children of this age group, question make them, questions shape them, questions are the medium to talk, questions are the medium to connect, questions are the medium to express themselves and by not nurturing the ability to ask question “Inquisitiveness” of a child we are stopping their developmental growth and it not just impacts language development but all the other important development milestones of a child.

While unveiling the concept Ritesh Rawal shared, “Every child is unique and therefore each child requires very meticulous inputs to develop inquisitiveness, it is based on the direction which child’s interest are and at this age children has interests on multiple things therefore it is extremely important that children should be allowed and channelize scientifically to explore as much as they want about any aspect, so that their “Inquisitiveness” nurtures, which in term will lead to a lot of things, such as their ability to take own decisions, their ability to innovate, their ability to being oneself rather than shaping oneself in a stereotypical way.

The key highlight of the concept of the Dudes and Dolls World is its bespoke Inquisitiveness Development series for the children, the Dudes and Dolls World has been created with a clear intent to provide a bespoke experience to the early childhood development, its be spoke program includes visualization of the development program for each child, a team structure which include inquisitiveness development experts, well trained care givers, an infrastructure that has been created to support nurturing inquisitiveness, and provides the highest standard of safety and security for children.

The Dudes and Dolls World is not just limited to children but it has come out with “We” as a theme to nurture Inquisitiveness and “We” represents all the stakeholders such as Parents, Mother, Child, Teacher and the Society.

Inside the world of Dudes and Dolls World lies programs and schools for all the stakeholders who have some relation or connection with the early childhood for instance, the Dudes and Dolls School has been designed for children, Samskara has been designed as a role transition school for parent development, Newbie Moms School has been designed for to be moms and new moms, Explo a teacher training school based on the philosophy Explorism by Ritesh Rawal is for teachers, Contribute a social impact program for society contribution for society development.

The Bespoke Inquisitiveness development program has been created to accommodate and nurture 150 young smiles at a time to provide dedicated focus. The launch speech has also been uploaded in the social handles and public platforms of Ritesh Rawal and Dudes and Dolls World.

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