IITians innovation to cure menstrual cramps naturally

Aditi Chakraborty

IITians innovation to cure menstrual cramps naturally.

People say that India is a country where our population is the biggest hindrance to economic growth. On the contrary, we have the youngest minds which have the potential to generate innovations in any sector if there is any investment on their ideas.

Today, most students want to join the IITs in order to graduate with a prestigious degree and a heavy job package. But we forget that these institutions are one of the hubs of innovation engineering. Although the growth is slow, we are getting there slowly.

There is a sudden growth of  social entrepreneurship in India. Somebody is founding one way to contribute to the problems of the society. Be it in Health , education, and livelihood, new technology is coming up. 

One of the biggest innovations India saw in the domain of women’s health was the creation of the affordable pad making machine by Murugathan Arunachalam . It made the sanitary napkins accessible to the women from low income families.  

India is considered to be one of the countries which has a high level of stigma and taboo on menstrual health. It is not discussed openly and is hushed about. Even with making pads accessible to women, the other problems that women face during the menstrual cycle. 

One of the most painful things most women go through is the menstrual cramp. Women are told to be strong about and with the taboo of periods it is not discussed. Menstrual cramps lead to disturbance in daily activities. Women generally pop painkillers or rely on home remedies to reduce the pain of menstrual cramps, but none of them help to give long term relief.

Till now there has been no innovation to cure menstrual cramps or understand the problem. But just on the International Women’s Day,  two boys from IIT Delhi decide to find a solution to this pressing issue. 

Introducing the natural roll-on  for period cramps, Sanfe. This product was designed by two third year BTEch students :  Archit Agarwal and Harry Shekhawat under the guidance of  their professor, Dr Srinivasan Ventakaram.

Whenever a new product launches in the market, the question pops up : What is the cost?, Is it safe?, etc 

The Sanfe period cramps relieving roll-on  is made from a combination of natural essential oils. It has cool-heat therapeutic way to relieve menstrual cramps region. It first cools the area and then generates heat to relieve the uterine muscles.  The product has medically tested and has gained the approval of FDA and other medical associations. It is also affordable as the 10 ml bottle of the roll-on costs about RS 169 and can last upto 3 menstrual cycles. 

These women entrepreneurs have also created the Sanfe stand and pee cup which helps women to stand and urinate in the cup like men rather than sitting on a dirty public toilet and contract Urinary Tract Infection.

Medical reports have said that most women take a day off during the first day of their periods due to menstrual cramps. Some organisations allow first day of period leave, but rather than avoiding the problem, these duo  from IITD have a found a solution to empower the women during the menstrual cycle.

Menstrual cramps are natural and one cannot control them. But why should every woman have to stay quiet and tolerate it in silence?  Innovations such as Safe is what the women of India need today.

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